Uncategorized The Create Channel LisaJune 26, 2020June 26, 2020 As you may know, I write a blog that boasts a readership of up to thirteen people and generates zero dollars in ad revenue; however, I wasn’t always the wildly successful author you see today.Continue reading
Uncategorized Masking It Up LisaJune 19, 2020June 22, 2020 Leaving my house is generally not the way I prefer to spend my time, pandemicContinue reading
Uncategorized WEDNESDAY GUEST BLOG! LisaJune 17, 2020June 17, 2020 My lovely and talented friend Rebecca Guthrie, a fellow teacher and English nerd, wrote thisContinue reading
Uncategorized Now What? LisaJune 12, 2020June 12, 2020 So. Uh. *uncomfortable blinking* What are we doing now, exactly? Hey there, fellow white people.Continue reading